Pre-wire Service
Building a new house? The pre-wire service, for New Zealand rural broadband, ensures your install is as tidy as possible with less conduit and cables nicely hidden. Your service will also be ready to go the moment your build is complete.
Get rural broadband ready

Get Rural Broadband Ready is a service we offer to enable you as builders and developers to have your new build houses pre-installed with Rural Broadband as part of your build process. You can then market your development as Rural Broadband ready!

why builders & developers love to pre-install rural broadband in new builds IN NZ.
- You are able to market your newly built property as pre-installed with Lightwire’s fast Rural Broadband!
- Complete pre installation of rural broadband in-line with your build schedule.
- An awesome experience for your new occupants – no technician visits needed as rural broadband is already installed and ready to connect.
- Rural broadband installed as tidy as possible with less conduit and cables nicely hidden.
- All rural broadband equipment in the house will be labelled and connectivity tips for the new homeowner are included.
The pre-wire process

Step 1
Coverage check
The rural sales team will perform a coverage check to see if the new build is in coverage of a Lightwire wireless rural broadband tower. You can read more about that process here.
Step 2
Line of sight check
A technician is sent out to the build site to see if there is anything blocking the line of sight between the build and the tower e.g. trees & hills.

Step 3
Rural Broadband
A technician installs a dish aimed at the Lightwire tower and prewires the build with the customer’s preferred router location.
SubDividing land?
Scope the availability of telecommunications services to meet council requirements for subdivisions in NZ rural areas.
Request pre-wire service
Request a pre-wire service for your new build(s) and we’ll be in touch within 2 business days.
give us a call
On average you’ll get a wireless broadband specialist on the phone in less than 2 minutes.