Whole Home WiFi Guarantee

Home WiFi Coverage

One Whole Home Network

WiFi in every room of your rural property. Enjoy uninterrupted internet when moving around your home.

Wi-Fi 6 Rural Coverage

WiFi 6

The WiFi 6 standard offers faster speeds, reduced latency, better range, and improves the battery life of devices.

Easy Pairing

Works Within Seconds

Simply press a button on the Smart WiFi unit and your Lightwire supplied router to effortlessly pair your Lightwire connection.

How is "Smart WiFi", smart?

Creating one Whole home network

Lightwire Smart WiFi units manage your Lightwire connection, automatically connecting your devices to the strongest signal as you move around your home, ensuring consistent coverage in every room.

Enjoy a smooth, uninterrupted online experience without the hassle of dropping your connection or manually switching networks.

Already connected to Lightwire?

How to install

You’ll be sent the Smart WiFi unit to your home with instructions on how to set it up, don’t worry it’s real easy, even Tim’s grandma who struggles with her iPhone was able to do it 😉


New customer? The Lightwire technician will set the Smart Wi\Fi unit(s) up during the installation of your Lightwire connection.

Whole home WiFi service details

Staying connected shouldn’t be a hassle, regardless of where you live. Not only do we guarantee coverage throughout your home, but we will also guarantee that the connection is top-notch.

Whole Home WiFi is only available for the primary dwelling, excluding detached garages, sheds and sleepouts.

Whole Home WiFi Managed Service

It's a Managed Service

Whole Home WiFi is a managed service that includes free replacement of faulty units and a guarantee for whole home wifi coverage, providing additional units at no extra cost if needed.


It's Speed Guaranteed

The service guarantees minimum download speeds (10 Mbps during peak times and 20 Mbps otherwise) throughout your home.


We know you’re smart and want to know all the details. We’ve laid out exactly what’s on offer with Lightwire (and the Whole Home WiFi Guarantee) on the Offer Summary page here. 


The Whole Home WiFi guarantee only covers the primary dwelling. Detached buildings (such as garages, sheds, and sleepouts) or secondary dwellings are not covered under the guarantee.

Free *

included with the 12 month

Unlimited plan

* New customers on the 12-month unlimited plan get the Whole Home WiFi guarantee included as part of their plan.



* Existing customers can add the Whole Home WiFi guarantee for free when they re-sign on the 12 month unlimited plan via the customer portal or by giving us a call at 0800 12 13 14.

As a monthly managed service

Add-On Option

Both new and existing customers can opt to add the Whole Home WiFi guarantee to their Lightwire plans for $9.49 per month. 


Existing customers can add the Whole Home WiFi guarantee to their plan via the customer portal or by giving us a call at 0800 12 13 14.

How to order Lightwire

New to Lightwire? The first step is to check if you’re in coverage by searching up your address via the search bar below.


Existing customer? You can order the Whole Home WiFi guarantee via your portal.


You’ve made a great choice to live rural, make another, connect to Lightwire.


Chat with us

Our friendly experts can answer any of your rural connectivity questions. 


Ask away

give us a call

On average you’ll get a wireless broadband specialist on the phone in less than 2 minutes.


0800 12 13 14

email us

Not in a rush? Shoot us an email and we’ll be in touch as soon as possible.

